如何停止安全地抽水 +與嬰兒進行斷奶
母乳喂養的時間表-depressants to get you through the process.
You may likewise simply start missing the physical connection you have had with your kid up to this point. Your body recognizes this process as weaning your kid ”“ as well as this can cause hormone changes like the ones pointed out below.
Nausea as well as Headaches
When you stop pumping, the modification in your body chemistry may cause nausea as well as headaches. As the levels of prolactin as well as oxytocin (two neurotransmitters that support breastfeeding) decrease as you wean, your brain chemistry will be off-balance for a bit. Over-the-counter remedies can assist with both issues.
Conclusion on exactly how to stop Pumping Safely
Knowing when to wean, particularly when to stop pumping, is always tricky. While making the decision to do so can be easy, stopping the pump as well as weaning the kid will be demanding both physically as well as emotionally. You must be prepared for the challenges as well as issues you can run into during this modification of life.
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